Tuesday 9 December 2008

Fun In Fiji

I made my way on to Fiji… if your reading this and wondering why it’s all me, me, me it’s because Louise has been in England with her family as her Mum has just had a triple heart bypass. The trip was already booked when Louise decided that she wanted to stay and ensure that she was well. So Louise is joining me this week in Fiji… (hopefully) hoora! So basically I was in Hawaii for 3 weeks and Fiji for a week on my own! With only surfing, diving and sunshine to occupy my time! Tough times I know…but I’ve pulled through and have proven to a lot of people (including myself) that I have what it takes to cope… on tropical islands… with good friends to help me out…. And let me sleep at their places…. And feed me… ok I’m not SAS yet!

Anyway, the flight to Fiji from Hawaii was about 6 and a half hours (I was going to say 6.5 hours but to me that never seems right because I’ve always though 0.5 to be a derivative of decimilisation therefore I would equate it to 10, which would mean 6.5 hours would be 6 hours and 50 minutes… but by the .5 I mean 30 minutes) so… the flight was six and a half hours long and was fairly standard, I was sat next to a big Tongan man who kind of looked like Gary Glitter in his hey day, I didn’t mention this to the Tongan as it would of just caused a lot of confusion having to explain Gary Glitter in pigeon English.
Once at Nadi (pronounced Naandi) I was picked up in a minibus and driven to the resort. As Louise was not with me a found a fairly cheap place where they surf and dive, so this bit of the trip is more holiday than traveling. The minibus seemed to have the BIGGEST geartsick in the world, and this journey took 2 hours!!

The terrain was initially a strange mix of England and India with rolling hills and lush grass, which to me seemed luminous green, it was fluorescent! It all felt like home on a BOILING hot day. They drive on the same side of the road as us too, which after 3 weeks in Hawaii felt somewhat strange again.
As the journey progressed the landscape changed into rainforest/jungle and it just felt like I was in King Kong country. Huge thick forests as far as I could see with mountains in the background rising up, green and packed densely with deep green trees and plants


Candyklem said...
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Candyklem said...

Hey guys,
I hope all is well with Lolly's mum!! Send our love!
Not long now, we can't wait!
MWA! x

Coop said...

Glad to hear Lou is on her way to you ... we were wondering!

Clare said...

I am so glad you got to go to Fiji, i miss it alot! I wish I had met you there - gutted! The pic of the cab made me crack up! oh the memories - love you xxxxxx

Ben said...
